Jaden Schwartz photo hockey

Jaden Schwartz

Jaden Schwartz is a ice hockey player, playing for the Seattle Kraken of the National Hockey League.

Jaden Schwartz was born on June 25, 1992 in Wilcox, Saskatchewan, Canada. His position is left wing, he measures 5 feet and 10 inches tall and weighing 185 pounds. He has accumulated a career total of $61,440,000 in the NHL.

Jaden Schwartz - NHL stats

He has played in the NHL for 13 seasons, collecting 196 goals and 282 assists, for a total of 478 points in 730 games played in the regular season. Jaden Schwartz also participated to the NHL playoffs 9 times, producing 31 goals and 33 assists (64 points) in 102 games played. He won the Stanley Cup once, in 2019 with the St-Louis Blues.

See all of Jaden Schwartz stats and profile on Markerzone.com.

Jaden Schwartz was drafted in the 2010 NHL Entry Draft, in first round, 14 overall by the St-Louis Blues.

The Boston Bruins drafted during this 2010 NHL Entry Draft:
  • Tyler Seguin (round 1 #2)
  • Jared Knight (round 2 #32)
  • Ryan Spooner (round 2 #45)
  • Craig Cunningham (round 4 #97)
  • Justin Florek (round 5 #135)
  • Zane McIntyre (round 6 #165)
  • Maxim Chudinov (round 7 #195)
  • Zach Trotman (round 7 #210)