Tristan Jarry photo hockey

Tristan Jarry

Tristan Jarry is a ice hockey player, playing for the Pittsburgh Penguins of the National Hockey League.

Tristan Jarry was born on April 29, 1995 in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. His position is goaltender, he measures 6 feet and 2 inches tall and weighing 195 pounds. He has accumulated a career total of $31,525,000 in the NHL.

Tristan Jarry - NHL stats

He has played in the NHL for 8 seasons, collecting 1 goals and 10 assists, for a total of 11 points in 257 games played in the regular season. He won a total of 136 games, including 19 by shutout. Tristan Jarry also participated to the NHL playoffs 4 times, producing 0 goals and 0 assists (0 points) in 9 games played. He won a total of 2 playoffs games, including 0 by shutout.

See all of Tristan Jarry stats and profile on Markerzone.com.

Tristan Jarry was drafted in the 2013 NHL Entry Draft, in second round, 44 overall by the Pittsburgh Penguins.

The Boston Bruins drafted during this 2013 NHL Entry Draft:
  • Linus Arnesson (round 2 #60)
  • Peter Cehlarik (round 3 #90)
  • Ryan Fitzgerald (round 4 #120)
  • Wiley Sherman (round 5 #150)
  • Anton Blidh (round 6 #180)
  • Mitchell Dempsey (round 7 #210)

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