Well @nhlprospect.discussion took a shot at it recently. As per his Instagram post:
''Here are my Top 7 Calder Trophy FrontRunners for the 2022-23 season
Please take this post with a grain of salt and don't get offended if your teams highly praised prospects aren't here. This list is just my FrontRunners currently as will definitely change as the year goes on.
These players were selected because I believe they will crack their teams opening rosters and have the best chances at succeeding because of ice time, extra year(s) of development before the NHL, and obviously their talent/skill level.
Some players not included that are right behind these guys are Holtz, Eklund/Bordeleau, Slafkovsky, Wright just to name a few.
It really comes down to if these players start the year with their NHL clubs and get the ice time needed to really put themselves in the Calder conversation.''